VERIGEN, a Verilog code generator for UMAs (binary, example) |
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Learning memory (.m-files) |
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Neural Network (.m-files) |
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Kinematic control of a robot (.m-files) |
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Field at focal distance of perfect asphere w/ Debye Theory (.m-files) |
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Ray propagation with the ABCD matrix (.m-files) |
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Intensity analysis of Fabry Perot resonators (.m-files) |
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Scalar WPM and BPM (.m-files) |
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Solving scattering problems with the FDTD (.m-files) |
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Waveguide with MEEP (FDTD solver) |
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Bend with MEEP (FDTD solver) |
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Resonator with MEEP (FDTD solver) |
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Holey waveguide with MEEP (FDTD solver) |
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SOI detector example layouts w/ SKILL |
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