IMC Report Legend and Help

Coverage Grade Calculation Coverage Top Level Summary Report   Block Coverage, Detailed Report
FSM Coverage, Detailed Report Global CoverGroup Summary Expression Coverage, Detailed Report  
Assertion Coverage, Detailed Report Coverage Summary Report Toggle Coverage, Detailed Report
CoverGroup Coverage, Detailed Report    Miscellaneous

Coverage Grade Calculation

Top Element Scheme (Default scheme):
Self Grade = (Number of covered items)/Total number of items
Cumulative Grade = AVG (Self Grade + Sum of grades of children)
With '-compat iccr' option, IMC generates report with grades using the following scheme:
All Bucket Scheme:
Grade = (Sum of covered items)/Total number of items
Grades are printed in HTML reports in the following format:
Grade% (Hit/Total)

Coverage Top Level Summary Report (Type or Instance Based)

Lists Total coverage and coverage for each requested coverage type. Key terms:
Overall Average of coverage percentages for each coverage type with items scored (CoverGroup Bins based coverage is excluded).
BlockBlocks which when Branch is scored also includes any Branches.
ExpressionExpression Rows.
ToggleNets fully toggled.
FSMStates, Transitions, and optionally Arcs.
AssertionAssert, Assume and Cover directives in PSL and SVA.
CoverGroupCoverGroups coverage calculated as the weighted average of coverage for all CoverGroups below. In parenthesis ratio of Covered Bins and Total Bins shows
nameOne of Cumulative, Self, or an Instance or Type name for this row of data.
Cumulative Coverage for this instance and all of its sub instances.
SelfCoverage for this instance without any of its sub instances.

Coverage is displayed in one of the following ways:
62 (153/246)For all but CoverGroup coverage: Relative coverage in percent calculated as the ratio of Covered items and Total items. In parenthesis are Covered items and Total items.
62 (153/245/1)As above, but with one Exception item. They include marks by COM, pragma marks, and manual IGN and COV marks. (Covered/Total/Exception)
57 (5)For CoverGroup coverage: Relative coverage in percent calculated as the weighted average of coverage for all CoverGroups below. In paranthesis are the number of Covered bins and Total bins.
n/aThere were no items of this coverage type scored in simulation.

Coverage Table Color Legend (Controlled in 5% increments in file imc.css)
    0 <25 <50 <75 <100 100

Global CoverGroup Summary

Lists CoverGroups from all instances or types in one place.

Overall CoverGroup Coverage. Key terms:
CoverageWeighted average of the coverage of all CoverGroups.
Uncovered BinsTotal number of uncovered bins.
Total BinsTotal number of bins.
Total CoverGroupsTotal number of covergroups.

Per CoverGroup Coverage in increasing coverage. Key terms:
CoverageWeighted average of the coverage of its CoverPoints and Crosses.
GoalSystemVerilog coverage goal in percent for this CoverGroup.
WeightSystemVerilog weight for this CoverGroup.
Uncovered BinsNumber of uncovered bins in this CoverGroup.
Total BinsNumber of bins in this CoverGroup.
NameCovergroup name.
CommentOptional comment for CoverGroup.
50A 100% green is used for coverage of any item that meets its Goal.

Coverage Summary Report (Type or Instance Based)

Summarizes coverage either for this instance and its children or for all types. See Top Level Summary for key terms.
Coverage of immediate sub-instances lists cumulative coverage for each immediate child.

Coverage, Detailed Report

Exclusion rule type
EXCL Excluded using refinement rule
P-EXCL Excluded from parent
U-EXCL Excluded and unreachable
T-EXCL Excluded from type
S-EXCL Smart excluded using refinement rule
EXCL(S) Smart indirect excluded
EMPTY All children are excluded
CONST Marked constant during simulation
IGN Marked ignored during simulation
UNG Marked ungradable during simulation
DES Marked deselected during simulation

Block Coverage, Detailed Report

The Block Coverage report lists coverage for blocks of code.
CountNumber of hits of this block.
BlockSequential numbering of blocks within a type or instance to use when marking items.
LineLine number for item. An * indicates item is related to that line, e.g. an implicit statement. For a branch item this column also lists its kind: true part of, false part of, implicit else, a case item of, ternary 1 true etc.
KindKind of the block.
OriginLine number origin of the block.

Expression Coverage, Detailed Report

indexSequential numbering of expressions and expression rows within a type or instance to use when marking items. Displayed only when indices have been enabled using "indices -on".
SOP and Control Scoring
-Don't Care
rval Resulting value of the expression for coverage purposes given the input values
<-n-> Shows the n-th term composition
Event Scoring
eevent for event-or expressions
Parity Tree Scoring
OOdd parity scored
EEven parity scored
BBoth odd and even parity scored
XItem was not scored
IMarked ignore in parity tree
Vector Scoring
POne or more inputs for this bit were padded
d== , b== shows which bit differs
lhs == rhs shows expression match

Toggle Coverage, Detailed Report

Covered TogglesSignals which are covered
Uncovered TogglesSignals which are uncovered
Excluded TogglesSignals which are excluded
Signal bits partially toggled(rise)Number of signals with only the required number of rising transitions
Signal bits partially toggled(fall)Number of signals with only the required number of falling transitions
Hit(full)A signal's number of complete transitions (minimum of rising and falling transitions)
Hit(rise)A signal's number of rising transitions
Hit(fall)A signal's number of falling transitions

FSM Coverage, Detailed Report

State and transition coverage is scored by default for all instrumented FSMs
Arc coverage with additional detail optionally is scored for Verilog FSMs
Reset coverage optionally is scored

State Coverage
StateState name
EncodingState encoding value
VisitsNumber of times this state was visited

Transition and Arc Coverage
InputsList of signals that determine state change
P-StatePresent state in this transition or arc
N-StateNext state in this transition or arc
InputsCombination of input values to cause this arc. Not defined with transition scoring.
VisitsNumber of times this transition or arc was taken

Reset coverage
P-StateCurrent state of FSM at time of reset
Reset StateState to which reset transitioned the FSM
ResetsNumber of such resets

Assertion or Control-oriented Functional Coverage, Detailed Report

FinishedNumber of assertions which have finished
FailedNumber of assertions which have failed
AssertionName of the assertion

CoverGroup or Data-oriented Functional Coverage, Detailed Report

CoverGroup Summary in order of definition. Key terms:
CoverageWeighted average of coverage for CoverPoints and Crosses in this Covergroup.
50A 100% green is used for coverage of any item that meets its Goal.
GoalSystemVerilog coverage goal in percent for this CoverGroup.
WeightSystemVerilog weight for this CoverGroup.
Uncovered BinsNumber of uncovered bins in this CoverGroup.
Total BinsNumber of bins in this CoverGroup.
NameCoverGroup name.
CommentOptional comment.

CoverGroup Details in order of definition. Key terms:
CoverageWeighted average of coverage for CoverPoints and Crosses in this Covergroup.
GoalSystemVerilog coverage goal in percent for this item.
WeightSystemVerilog weight for this item.
Uncovered BinsNumber of uncovered bins in this item.
Total BinsNumber of bins in this item.
ItemCoverPoint or Cross.
NameItem name.
CommentOptional comment.

CoverPoint and Cross Details in order of definition. Key terms:
CountNumber of hits for this bin.
AtLeastNumber of hits required for this bin to call it covered.
DefaultDefault bins are identified in AtLeast column, and their grey counts do not contribute to coverage.
Bin NameBin name.


Report ContentThe Top Level Summary lists among other things the options and database IMC used to generate this HTML report. Together these settings determine what is available for viewing. Do 'help report' in IMC for more information.
`include FilesSource line information refers to a line in the primary File name. If the source is in a `include, bind, or vunit file, then the line number is followed by a three-letter index which maps to one of the listed `include files.
SortingMacro execution must be enabled to allow sorting. Click any colored column header to sort.
NavigationUse the browser's Back button to return to previous view.
Use right-mouse-button on links to optionally Open Link in New Window.
In general, item names and coverage numbers link to additional detailed information.